Glenn Wood's new young adult read brings to life some classic horror fiction with brains, a guts full of humour, gory detail...
THE SAMPLING: Teine Samoa, by Dahlia Malaeulu
THE SAMPLING: Katipo Joe: Blitzkreig
THE SAMPLING: A Trio of Sophies by Eileen Merriman
THE SAMPLING: If Only, by Adele Broadbent
THE SAMPLING: The Book of Overthinking
THE SAMPLING: 'Volcanoes and Earthquakes'
THE SAMPLING: 'Awa and the Dreamrealm'
THE SAMPLING: Te Raataka a Tama Huungoingoi
THE SAMPLING: The Invincibles - Power Up!
THE SAMPLING: An excerpt from Bonjour Lucy Bee
THE SAMPLING: An excerpt from Amundsen's Way
THE SAMPLING: The Book of Knowing, by Doctor Know
THE SAMPLING: The Very Annoying Ghost
THE SAMPLING: Telesa Book One - The Covenant Keeper