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An Ode (In Prose) To Skinny Dip
Despite the number of world-class poets here in Aotearoa, it's rare that a collection of contemporary poetry is published by a New...

Book Reviews: New Young Adult Fiction From Aotearoa
Gem Wilder reviews some out of this world young adult fiction. There's danger, magic, psychic abilities and love; whether you want hold...

Book Reviews: New Fiction from Aotearoa Authors
Steampunk, historical fiction and mythology? Whatever makes you tick, there's a serving of fresh new Aotearoa fiction to get you excited....

Book Reviews: New in Aotearoa Picture books
Time for another batch of picture book reviews to keep you abreast of the latest developments in the world of Aotearoa illustrative...

Book Review: New Novels for Aotearoa Teens
It must be new young adult fiction season, because we're back with more reckons on recent releases. Today, Tihema Baker talks two titles:...

Book Review: Two New Young Adult Reads From Aotearoa
Lucy Black reviews some YA that cover some hard-hitting themes in Draw Me a Hero and The Dark Quest of Countess X: A Call to the World's...

Book Reviews: New Junior Fiction from Aotearoa
Winter has finally come to Aotearoa, and it's brought with it a fresh batch of junior fiction titles! Here's librarian Dave Tucker's...

Book Review: Tiger Daughter, by Rebecca Lim
"This is the book I wish I could have read when I was young. Growing up as a New Zealander of Chinese descent in a rural Southland town I...

Book Reviews: New Aotearoa Picture books
There are all kinds of strong voices in Aotearoa’s picture book world today and some of the best of the best are women. Freelance writer...

Book Reviews: New Non-Fiction from Aotearoa
Author Linda Jane Keegan reviews two new non-fiction titles from Aotearoa; the first looks at our changing climate, and the second at the...

Book Reviews: Junior Fiction Pony Tales
From the whimsy and sparkle to grim reality, you don't have to be a pony obsessive to still love a good pony book! Librarian Chelsea Heap...

Book Reviews: The Latest in Aotearoa Picture books
Today we're thrilled to share some brilliant reviews from writer Cassie Hart, featuring two terrific new (and one old) titles from...

Book Reviews: Aotearoa Autumn Young Adult Releases
There's never a bad time to be a young adult reader, because the world is full of wonderful treats, whether new or old. But it's an...

Book Reviews: New picture books from Aotearoa
It's time for a fresh batch of picture books reviews! Rachel Moore takes us through five new fantastic titles from Aotearoa that feature...

Book reviews: New non fiction
Author Linda Jane Keegan reviews some new non-fiction from Aotearoa that puts the spotlight on stories of war and disasters, and two...
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