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Book Reviews: New Bilingual Picture Books
The bilingual Simmonds whānau has reviewed two new picture books. Read on to find out what Shirley, Tamihana (10) and Raukawa (9), think...

Ngaa Arotakenga Pukapuka: Ngaa Pukapuka Pikitia
He arotakenga pukapuka ēnei, mō ngā pukapuka pikitia hou nā Kurahau rāua ko Renee Chin. Nā Shirley Simmonds, ko Tamihana Simmonds (10 ōna...

He Raiona i roto i nga Otaota: a new Margaret Mahy
The images and the story of Margaret Mahy’s “A Lion in the Meadow” have almost become a part of the collective consciousness of children...

He Raiona i roto i nga Otaota, na Margaret Mahy
Ko ngā pikitia me ngā kōrero o Lion in the Meadow nā Margaret Mahy, he mea tuhi ki te rae o te tamaiti i tipu ake i Aotearoa nei. I tēnei...

Whale Mountains, Red Toy Carts, & Letters From Nan
As part of celebrations for Māori Language Week, Vini Olsen-Reeder chats with his relation Hinemārie Burton about co-writing their first...

Melanie Drewery and the return of Nanny Mihi
Melanie Drewery has produced a multitude of books over the last two decades aimed at delivering te reo Māori and tikanga Māori in a...

Melanie Drewery me te hokinga mai a Nanny Mihi
E hia kē nei ngā pukapuka i tuhi ai a Melanie Drewery i ēnei rua tekau tau. Ko te whāinga o ēnei pukapuka kia Rongo rawa te taki i te reo...

A sound in my mind: translator Ngaere Roberts
Ngaere Roberts (Ngāti Porou) is one of our most prolific translators of children’s books into te reo Māori, having translated work from...

He oro hinengaro: Ngaere Roberts me tona ao tuhi
He mātanga, he atamai a Ngaere Roberts (Ngāti Porou) ki te whakamāori i ngā pukapuka mō te nohinohi, kua oti i a ia ngā pukapuka a te...

Miriama Kamo and the Reinstated Stars of Matariki
Matariki has been celebrated in several picture books in recent years, but broadcaster Miriama Kamo’s new book, The Stolen Stars of...

Miriama Kamo me nga Whetu i Whakahokia
Kua whakanuia a Matariki i ētahi pukapuka tamariki i ēnei tau tata kua hipa, engari ko te pukapuka hou a Miriama Kamo, ko Ngā Whetū...

Darryn Joseph: Kaituhi, kaita pikitia, kaiako
Today Kura Rutherford introduces Dr Darryn Joseph (Ngāti Maniapoto), a writer, dad, illustrator, comic collector and Māori language...

Poet and Politician: Sir Apirana Ngata
Most people know him as a politician, but the face of our fifty-dollar note, Sir Āpirana Ngata, was passionate about so much more than...

The Magic of Translation: Nadine Millar
Ko tēnei Te Wiki o te Reo Māori! All week, our guest editor Nadine Millar (Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi) will bring us literary insights and...

Book Awards: Te Kura Pounamu finalists
Kristin Smith reviews the five Te Kura Pounamu finalists in this year's NZ Book Awards for Children and Young Adults. He kōrero Māori...
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