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Merry Christmas from Giselle & The Sapling

Giselle Clarkson


The editors of The Sapling all love a good kids' Christmas book. This comic celebrates the books that Briar, Thalia, Kura, and Sarah have enjoyed in the past. We hope you all have a wonderful holiday! Meri Kihiramete!

a sapling christmas bookshelf

giselle frame 2

sarah and giselle frame 3

sarah laing frame 5
dylan horrocks drawn by sarah
giselle clarkson

gseille clarkson having gelato shake

sarah laing

giselle speech bubble

giselle talking

sarah talking

book person

sarah laing

giselle eating rat

sarah laing speaking

giselle on tightrope


giselle clarkson

Giselle Clarkson is a freelance illustrator and comic creator from Wellington. Her work has appeared in a bunch of School Journals as well as Gecko Press’ ANNUAL. She illustrated the 2018 picture book Secret World of Butterflies by Courtney Sina Meredith (Allen & Unwin NZ) and the 2019 children's novel Hazel and the Snails by Nan Blanchard (Annual Ink/Massey University Press). Her most recent illustrations are in The Gobbledegook Book, by Joy Cowley (Gecko Press). Giselle's secret talent is rescuing moths from the shower without accidentally drowning them. Visit her website:

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