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The Giselle Clarkson Comic: Number 23

Giselle Clarkson


Giselle Clarkson wrestles with imposter syndrome in her most recent comic. Giselle has also illustrated The Gobbledegook Book, written by Joy Cowley, which will be released in September through Gecko Press. Head along to the launch on 14 September in Featherston!

Penguins: A Scientific Literature Review

like pretty much everyone I'm plagued by imposter syndrome

and it always feels good to see a bit of myself in uthors and illustrators that I admire.  Hey! Edward Gorey tought he sucked too!

Like when I read that Judith Kerr used Google images and didn't think she was very good at drawing trees

And I found out that EB White brught a spider's egg sac back from his holiday in the country and left it on the dressing table in his NYC apartment

All the baby spiders hatched and made webs in his bedroom.

I always let spiders live in my house. When it gets a bit out of hand and they start predating on each other I pop them outside, but mothers with egg sacs always get to stay.

So I was disappointed to learn that he got rid of them after a couple of weeks when his clearner complained. (Huh)
It is you who is the imposter, Elwyn.



Giselle Clarkson is a freelance illustrator and comic creator from Wellington. Her work has appeared in a bunch of School Journals as well as Gecko Press’ ANNUAL. She illustrated the 2018 picture book Secret World of Butterflies by Courtney Sina Meredith (Allen & Unwin NZ) and the 2019 children's novel Hazel and the Snails by Nan Blanchard (Annual Ink/Massey University Press). Giselle's secret talent is rescuing moths from the shower without accidentally drowning them.

Visit her website:

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