Aotearoa marked the 180th anniversary of the signing of Te Tiriti o Waitangi/The Treaty of Waitangi yesterday – so our quiz today looks through some of the different books for young people focused on Te Tiriti and Waitangi Day.

Editor Briar was at Waitangi today, this is one of her photos from the day.
1. Which Kiwi author wrote the recently rejacketed Mission Girl (from Scholastic’s My New Zealand Story series)?
A. Tessa Duder
B. Fleur Beale
C. Mandy Hager D. Tania Roxborogh
2. Who’s the star of an English/Chinese language picture book about Waitangi Day?
A. William
B. Daniel
C. Peter D. Jackson
3. Who published a Tiriti/Treaty focused graphic novel last year?
A. Penguin Random House
B. Huia Publishing
C. Scholastic
D. Lift Education
4. In #Tumeke!, by Michael Petherick, which community is planning their Waitangi Day celebration?
A. Newton
B. Newtown
C. Newtoun
D. Neuton
5. Little Kiwi and the Treaty was written by Nikki Slade Robinson – but who illustrated it?
A. Minky Stapleton
B. Giselle Clarkson
C. Nikki Slade Robinson D. David Ling
6. Philippa Werry has written novels and non-fiction alike – but what does her book on Waitangi Day fall under?
A. Fiction
B. Non-fiction
C. Picture book D. She hasn't written a book about Waitangi Day
7. What is the name of the song-oriented picture book about Waitangi by Sharon Holt?
A. Te Waimarama o Waitangi B. Te Waiata o Waitangi C. Te Wainui o Waitangi D. Te Wairua o Waitangi
8. The artist behind the book in question 3 is Toby Morris. But the book has several other credited authors too. Which of these people ISN'T one of them?
A. Alex Collins
B. Piripi Walker
C. Ross Calman
D. Mark Derby
1. B. Fleur Beale
2. A. William
3. D. Lift Education
4. C. Newtoun
5. C. Nikki Slade Robinson
6. B. Non-fiction
7. D. Te Wairua o Waitangi
8. A. Alex Collins