As World Cup Fever sweeps, well, some of the nation, how well do you know your Aotearoa sporty books?

1. In Tessa Duder's Alex quartet, Alex Archer is a champion swimmer. What other sport does she excel at?
A. Netball
B. Hockey
C. Tennis D. Bowls
2. Gecko Press has a new picture book out, Sports are fantastic fun. Who wrote it, and originally in what language?
A. Ole Könnecke, in German
B. Frida Nilsson, in Swedish
C. Frédéric Stehr, in French
D. Megumi Iwasa, in Japanese
3. Which former All Black is the subject of a book about his childhood of dreaming and training, by Jared Bell?
A. Zinzan Brooke
B. Tana Umaga
C. Colin Meads
D. Piri Weepu
4. The 2017 Storylines Notable Book list included two non-fiction books about sport, from Penguin. What sports were they?
A. Rugby and netball
B. Netball and cricket
C. Soccer and hockey
D. Hockey and rugby
5. In Juliette MacIver's Henry Bob Bobbalich, (Scholastic) Henry is a very talented:
A. Runner
B. Climber
C. Tramper
D. Wrestler
6. In Sally Sutton's latest picture book, Ambulance, Ambulance (Walker) the paramedics help a child who has been:
A. riding a bike
B. playing rugby
C. doing gymnastics
D. rock-climbing
7. Equestrian writer Kelly Wilson's Ranger, the Kaimanawa Stallion (Penguin) was illustrated by whom?
A. Fifi Colston
B. Jenny Cooper
C. Link Choi
D. Zak Waipara
8. David Hill's Kick Back is about a teenager practising which martial art?
A. Karate
B. Judo
C. Aikido
D. Tae kwon do
9. In Fleur Beale's Playing to Win, Denny plays what sport?
A. Tennis
B. Cricket
C. Rugby
D. Soccer
10. Jammin' with Steven Adams is part of which of David Riley's series of books?
A. Reading Warriors
B. Reading Legends
C. Pasifika Heroes
D. Reading All-Stars
1. B. Hockey
2. A. Ole Könnecke, in German
3. D. Piri Weepu
4. B. Netball and cricket
5. B. Climber
6. A. riding a bike
7. B. Jenny Cooper
8. D. Tae kwon do
9. C. Rugby
10. A. Reading Warriors