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The Sampling: The New Zealand Art Activity Book

Helen Lloyd


The New Zealand Art Activity Book is a 158-page activity book for children who love to draw, paint and otherwise express themselves. These spreads are of works from WH Hammond, Sylvia Siddell and Kerry-Ann Lee. Te Papa Press has allowed us to include PDF activity pages for two of them, plus a list of questions to start your activities based on Kerry-Ann Lee's gorgeous spread.

the new zealand art activity book

All artworks extracted with permission from with permission from The New Zealand Art Activity Book by Helen Lloyd (Te Papa Press)

bird people and strange creatures - Bill Hammond

Page 44 - 45, Traffic Cop Bay by WD Hammond. Copyright WD Hammond, reproduced from The New Zealand Art Activity Book, with permission. All rights reserved.

'Bill lives and works in Lyttelton. He often paints strange creatures that are half-bird, half-person and have wings like angels. They live on floating islands in an imaginary bird land.'

Download the PDF of the headless drawings to complete this activity yourself.


Page 58, Breakfast in bed lithograph by Sylvia Siddell. Copyright Sylvia Siddell, reproduced from The New Zealand Art Activity Book, with permission. All rights reserved.

Sylvia was from Auckland. She made this lithograph from a line drawing.

Download the activity page and take your own line for a walk.


Pages 60-61, Knowledge on a beam of starlight, by Kerry-Ann Lee. Copyright Kerry-Ann Lee, reproduced from The New Zealand Art Activity Book, with permission. All rights reserved.

Kerry-Ann lives in Wellington and combines found pictures in interesting ways to create her artworks. These pictures are from Te Papa's online collection. She has hidden 20 questions amongst them. You could trace or draw from the pictures or respond to her questions with words or images to make your won artwork or fanzine.

Here are the questions, all of which work as either story-starters or art-starters. Enjoy!

1. What are 3 things you can’t live without and why? 2. What will destroy you? 3. What's the best piece of wisdom that you've received? 4. Name 3 things that will disappear in ten years. 5. Draw a self-portrait featuring 10 things from these pages. 6. What cheers you up? 7. What are your 3 favourite smells? 8. Make a poem from the letters of your name. 9. Draw or write down the last dream that you had. 10. What do you do when it rains? 11. Write a recipe for something. 12. If you were mayor for the day what would you do? 13. What super power would you have and why? 14. What’s your favourite quotation/saying/motto? 15. Where would you time travel to and why? 16. What would you do with a million dollars? 17. What colours would you choose for a new rainbow? 18. Where should you actually live? 19. Why did the chicken cross the road? 20. Write a letter to your future self.

Your child can also enter Te Papa's competition to win a copy of The Art Activity Book.

the art activity book

the art activity book by Helen Lloyd Published by Te Papa Press RRP $29.99


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