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Christmas Reads from The Sapling
We interrupt this hiatus to bring you a list of Top Recommendations for the 2021 Holiday Season, created for you, our dear readers, as...

Book Reviews: New in Aotearoa Picture books
Time for another batch of picture book reviews to keep you abreast of the latest developments in the world of Aotearoa illustrative...

The brilliant David Hill takes a trip down memory lane in the latest instalment of our 'books I read to my grandchildren' series. Read on...

Book Reviews: New Aotearoa Picture books
There are all kinds of strong voices in Aotearoa’s picture book world today and some of the best of the best are women. Freelance writer...

Book Reviews: Aotearoa Autumn Young Adult Releases
There's never a bad time to be a young adult reader, because the world is full of wonderful treats, whether new or old. But it's an...

Is this the perfect time for a pandemic story?
Discussion of self isolation and social distancing and mask wearing may all feel very 2020s – but for those not in the know, two titles...

THE SAMPLING: The King's Nightingale
We are incredibly excited to be sharing the first snippet from Sherryl Jordan's forthcoming novel, The King's Nightingale. Due out at the...

Crafts with Fifi: Hatch your own Marvellous Marvin!
Long-time readers of The Sapling will remember that in our first year, we had a regular crafting feature from the super talented Fifi...

Book Reviews: New Chapter Books And Novels
Chapter books and novels are order of the day in our reviewing neighbourhood, with three new books targeted at the junior/middle fiction...
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