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Christmas Reads from The Sapling
We interrupt this hiatus to bring you a list of Top Recommendations for the 2021 Holiday Season, created for you, our dear readers, as...

Book List: Fiction for Gamers
Why do we love games? The high-octane fun? The easy access to discovery, adventure, challenge, and endless other draws? Sure. Yes to all...

Book List: Global Feel-good fantasy
Sometimes, we need a little escapism with a side of pep in our reading. A little pick-me-up. And fantasy can be just the thing. After...

Is this the perfect time for a pandemic story?
Discussion of self isolation and social distancing and mask wearing may all feel very 2020s – but for those not in the know, two titles...

Book List: Detectives, Spies, & other Sneaky Sorts
Picture this. You're a bookseller, being asked for recommendations for a ten-year-old kid who loves reading but needs something new. You...
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