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Book Reviews: New YA from Mountains to Coasts
There are all manner of different YA titles hitting Aotearoa's shelves this autumn, with a focus on real life storytelling and issues...

Book Reviews: Picture Books to Look Out For
As a general rule, March is a delightful time in the book industry, New Zealand. New releases are winging their way through the doors,...

Book Reviews: Fresh Aotearoa Non-fiction
It has been a tremendous year for children's non-fiction literature from little old Aotearoa. Here's our last batch of reviews for 2019,...

Book Reviews: Alex: The Quartet, by Tessa Duder
Alex still stands out in editor Sarah's mind as one of the best flawed, real female characters ever written in New Zealand YA. Alex: The...

Book Reviews: New Chapter Books And Novels
Chapter books and novels are order of the day in our reviewing neighbourhood, with three new books targeted at the junior/middle fiction...

Book Reviews: The Latest in NZ Non-Fiction
It isn't news to anyone that Aotearoa is currently marking a significant anniversary, as we pass the 250 years since James Cook...

Book Reviews: YA fantasy that burns bright
Fantasy's a funny word for the genre of imaginative worlds, considering how many of the places created are the last place anyone would...

Book Reviews: Two New Young Adult Novels
Writer Steph Matuku reviews two new books for teenagers. Tina Shaw's manuscript for Ursa won the Storylines Tessa Duder Award for YA...

Book Review: The Telesa Series, by Lani Wendt Young
'What’s very clear is that the author is writing what she knows, that this place is in her bones.' Catherine Woulfe devours, reviews and...

2018 End-of-Year Shopping List: NZ Factual Books
Do you want to be sure you're getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas – or on any gift-giving occasion? We are...

Book Reviews: Five Great Non-Fiction Books
Palmerston North librarian Alan Dingley and his two daughters review five of the freshest New Zealand-published non-fiction titles...

Book Reviews: Two reality-based YA titles
Mandy Hager and Helen Vivienne Fletcher are both Wellington-based writers of YA and other things. Sarah Forster was excited to read...

Dystopian YA Fiction - About the Children
YA dystopian fiction had a massive run a few years back and then everyone got dystopian-ed out. Not me. I love teens saving dismal worlds...

Book Reviews: A range of Young Adult Publishing
One summer, so many new books. Briar Lawry reviews three fiction books which serve as a reflection of the state of the broader New...

Book Reviews: Three Junior Fiction Gems
Each of these three action-packed books has a great cast of characters, some daredevil heroes and is written for kids aged 7+. Sarah...
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