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2018 End-of-Year Shopping List: Te Reo Maori titles
Kay Benseman and her niece and nephews have been our main reviewers of books in te reo Māori for 2018. Kay tells us her top te reo...

Book List: Books to help Allergy Kids
Between six and eight percent of children in New Zealand live with allergies, according to Allergy New Zealand, with food allergies being...

2018 End-of-Year Shopping List: YA Fiction
Do you want to be sure you're getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas – or on any gift-giving occasion? We are...

Book List: Books up for Bestseller of the Decade
What makes a bestselling New Zealand kids book? This list looks at eight of the bestselling kids books and what makes them so popular....

Book List: Can children do philosophy?
Amy Austin, Deputy Principal and PhD student, asks ‘Can children do philosophy?’; ‘What does it entail and who benefits?’; ‘What...

LGBTQI+ Book List: See Us, Hear Us, Validate Us
Today Emmett Roberts, a consent educator, library studies student, and intern with InsideOUT, reflects on what kinds of books young...

Book List: Picture Books about Death and Grief
Whāngārei specialist children's librarian Meredith Wightman gives us a peek into her notebook today, and gives us a list of picture books...

Book List: Experiences of disability
Disability consultant, activist and blogger Robyn Hunt suggests 21 books, from picture books to YA, that illuminate experiences of...

Book List: NZ Junior Fiction v The World
Author Sue Copsey explores the world of New Zealand Junior Fiction, discovering plenty of titles that are just as good as the...

Book List: When Parents Break Up or Divorce
We all know books can be faithful companions in hard times. Blenheim school counsellor Louisa Woods suggests some books that might help...

Book List: Prescription Pad Literature
We all know books can be faithful companions in hard times. Today Palmerston North Youth Librarian Alan Dingley gets out his prescription...

Book List: Books for young makers and coders
Auckland bookshop Time Out Bookstore helped us compile this book list for those kids in your life who're the inventors of the next...

Book List: Resilient Families and Young People
We were fascinated to discover recently that the Australian Association of Family Therapy announces its own Family Book Awards. Thalia...

Book List: An Alphabet of Poetry for Kids
We wanted to celebrate NZ Poetry Day this year with a fabulous list of children's poetry. And who better to bring this to you than our...

Book List: Dear John's books for a first library
A few weeks ago, John McIntyre wrote his final replies to the last round of Dear John letters we received before he died. One of the...
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