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He Raiona i roto i nga Otaota: a new Margaret Mahy
The images and the story of Margaret Mahy’s “A Lion in the Meadow” have almost become a part of the collective consciousness of children...

Whale Mountains, Red Toy Carts, & Letters From Nan
As part of celebrations for Māori Language Week, Vini Olsen-Reeder chats with his relation Hinemārie Burton about co-writing their first...

From sky to land: reading promises to our tamariki
Whenua Taurangi (Promised Land) is a story celebrating the love shared between cultural backgrounds, different socioeconomic situations...

Karena Kelly: te ataahua o te rima meneti
He mātanga reo. He kaiako. He kaituhi. He māmā. Hei tautoko i Te Wiki o te reo Māori 2018 kua whakarae atu tātou ki Te Hiku o te Ika, ki...

Melanie Drewery and the return of Nanny Mihi
Melanie Drewery has produced a multitude of books over the last two decades aimed at delivering te reo Māori and tikanga Māori in a...

Melanie Drewery me te hokinga mai a Nanny Mihi
E hia kē nei ngā pukapuka i tuhi ai a Melanie Drewery i ēnei rua tekau tau. Ko te whāinga o ēnei pukapuka kia Rongo rawa te taki i te reo...

A sound in my mind: translator Ngaere Roberts
Ngaere Roberts (Ngāti Porou) is one of our most prolific translators of children’s books into te reo Māori, having translated work from...

He oro hinengaro: Ngaere Roberts me tona ao tuhi
He mātanga, he atamai a Ngaere Roberts (Ngāti Porou) ki te whakamāori i ngā pukapuka mō te nohinohi, kua oti i a ia ngā pukapuka a te...

The Magic of Translation: Nadine Millar
Ko tēnei Te Wiki o te Reo Māori! All week, our guest editor Nadine Millar (Ngāti Hine, Ngāpuhi) will bring us literary insights and...
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