Be Prepared: An All-Age Disaster Book ListChildren and young adults in Aotearoa are particularly attuned to natural disasters. In today's book list, Miriam Hurst delves into...
Book List: NZ-focused young reader novelsIn response to a request The Sapling put out on Twitter, teacher and author Sarina Dickson has compiled this wonderful list of New...
The planet has a pulse: Maurice Gee, O and meMaurice Gee's O Trilogy is one of the most enduringly excellent works of Aotearoa literature. Megan Dunn recalls its power. In the South...
2017 Christmas Shopping List: Best YA BooksDo you want to be sure you're getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas - or on any gift-giving occasion? We are...
Three fantasy novels for teens and pre-teensBriar Lawry reviews Maurice Gee's latest, The Severed Land, as well as The Edge of Everything by Jeff Giles and Maybe a Fox by Kathi...