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Book Reviews: New Picture Books from Aotearoa
From forty years in print and still relevant to kids today to the latest picture books in Aotearoa. This selection of picture books is a...

Book Reviews: New Picture Books from Aotearoa
From curious noises to sneaky felines to whānau-focused native birds, we've got a cracker of a line-up of new Kiwi picture books in this...

Book Reviews: Middle Grade Reading
Rachel Moore has read and reviewed three new books for the middle grade space – two excellent chapter books and a fabulous new...

Book Reviews: Books for Young Readers
ECE teacher Sara Croft reviews three books for younger readers, two that use humour to engage young readers, and a third which is a...

Book Reviews: Five New Zealand Picture Books
Writer and bookseller Adele Broadbent reviews five New Zealand picture books, including everything from cute creatures to a picture book...

Karena Kelly: te ataahua o te rima meneti
He mātanga reo. He kaiako. He kaituhi. He māmā. Hei tautoko i Te Wiki o te reo Māori 2018 kua whakarae atu tātou ki Te Hiku o te Ika, ki...

Reviews: Two New Junior Fiction Titles
Sarah Forster reviews of two new junior fiction titles for kids pitched into that tricky junior / middle fiction reading divide. With...

Book Reviews: Two great kiwi junior fiction titles
Split consciousness features in very different ways in these two wonderful junior fiction titles for opposite ends of the audience age...

THE SAMPLING: The Mapmakers' Race by Eirlys Hunter
We're pleased to present an excerpt from The Mapmakers' Race (Gecko Press), a new novel by Eirlys Hunter and illustrated by Kirsten...

From the Shop Floor: Children's Room Otago
We are pleased to present a regular monthly series highlighting the work, expertise and enthusiasm of some of the greatest children's...

Jo Randerson: The Books My Kids Are Reading
Wellington-based writer and theatre-maker Jo Randerson is appearing in four events at the Wellington Writers & Readers Festival this...

Gender (im)balance in NZ children's books
Elizabeth Heritage investigates representations of gender in New Zealand children's book publishing by looking at the 2017 bestsellers...

Five new picture books from Aotearoa
Look at all these new books! Today we review five new picture books and find that, as usual, there's plenty of top-notch stuff being...

The Reckoning: Cross-cultural reading
In the current Anglo-Saxon book market, there is much that is the same. If one book is successful, there’s a flurry to find another one...

Book Reviews: Adventure and its aftermath
Sarah Forster reviews two recent books, both by debut authors, which are tied together by adventure and its aftermath. Both books go deep...
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