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The Reckoning: Is it fair to pass on our despair?
We grew up watching the world end – at least on-screen. Our children are growing up watching it happen in real time. How do we prepare...
Book List:Â NZ-focused young reader novels
In response to a request The Sapling put out on Twitter, teacher and author Sarina Dickson has compiled this wonderful list of New...
Book List: Kids with Climate Change anxiety
How to help our children manage their emotions around the climate crisis. It’s a hot topic. Helping our children manage those big...
Bren and Gerri: Grass Wants to be Grazed
Australia-based New Zealander Bren MacDibble has been a published writer for many years, but only recently broke into the trade...
Book Reviews: The Dog Runner and Jillion
The only thing these two books have in common is that they are absolutely stunning, and they are broadly for a junior fiction age range....
Book Awards: The Junior Fiction Finalists
As part of our coverage of this year's NZ Book Awards for Children and Young Adults, we asked the five Wright Foundation Esther Glen...
THE SAMPLING: How to Bee, by Bren MacDibble
A story about family, loyalty, kindness and bravery, set against an all-too-possible future where climate change has forever changed the...
2017 Christmas Shopping List: Junior Fiction
Do you want to be sure you're getting top-shelf books for your favourite people this Christmas - or on any gift-giving occasion? We are...
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