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Book Reviews: NZ Junior & Middle Fiction
Teacher Rachel Moore reviews five New Zealand junior fiction titles, including the first two in a new series by Maureen Crisp, the first...

Book Reviews: Four Fancy NZ Picture Books
Early Childhood teacher Sara Croft reviews four New Zealand picture books. Two take us on the sea, and the other two feature a plethora...

Three Wonderful NZ Young Adult Titles
Sarah Forster reviews three fantastic new New Zealand YA titles. These are three quite different titles, from Take Flight, set in a world...

Book Reviews: Picture Books in Te Reo Maori
This month, Kay Benseman and her niece and nephews are reviewing four recently published books, including translations of older English...

Book Reviews: Five Fresh Kiwi Picture Books
It seems to impossible to think of a New Zealand childhood without certain things: jandals, gumboots, lolly cake and of course, Lynley...

Reviews: Two New Junior Fiction Titles
Sarah Forster reviews of two new junior fiction titles for kids pitched into that tricky junior / middle fiction reading divide. With...

Two New International Picture Books
Here are reviews of two new picture books that couldn't be more different! One's a whimsical story about refugees; the other's a funky,...

A Range of New Picture Books from Aotearoa
Dear Donald Trump, by Sophie Siers and Anne Villeneuve This book is gold! Dear Donald Trump tells the story, in a series of letters, of a...

Book Awards: Finalists for Te Kura Pounamu
Three books are finalists for the New Zealand Book Awards for Children and Young Adults Te Kura Pounamu category, celebrating the best...

A Range of New Picture Books from Aotearoa
Thalia reviews four new picture books from Aotearoa: a whimsical gumshoe story, two books introducing our wildlife taonga to children,...

Book Reviews: Two great kiwi junior fiction titles
Split consciousness features in very different ways in these two wonderful junior fiction titles for opposite ends of the audience age...

Book Reviews: Three new picture books
Author and former bookshop owner Annemarie Florian tells us about three quite different recent releases, from New Zealand and further...

Book Reviews: Three new books in te reo Maori
Reviewing three new picture books in te reo Māori today is former teacher, gallery educator, librarian and student, Kay Benseman, along...

Book Reviews: Three New Picture Books
A notorious witch, some butterflies, and a fantail that can't stay still. Reviewer Holly Walker enjoys a trip down memory lane with...

Stories for Boys Who Dare To Be Different
Stories for Boys Who Dare To Be Different (Quercus) is the latest in the worldwide publishing phenomenon that started with Good Night...
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